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Child Weight Loss Tips

Child Weight Loss Child Weight Loss

I know that you are a concerned parent. You want to see your child happy, healthy, enjoying life and being included in their peer group. It breaks your heart when this is not the case. As a teacher, parent and grandparent I see kids each day who are affected by low self-esteem, and left out of the peer group activities, sit alone during breaks at school, are alone on the weekends, shy away from games and activities because they are so embarrassed and uncomfortable. I can totally identify with you, and this is why I want to help you.
Have you tried to get your overweight child to eat healthier and eat less but didn't have much success?
Have they even had some success with weight loss but weren't able to sustain it?
• You have noticed they have been eating heaps over the holiday period; they have been lonely and unhappy and you can see they are just eating because they are bored and miserable.
• They have said they are dreading going back to school where they get teased and bullied about their size.
Your heart goes out to them and you desperately want to help them. But you are afraid you will upset them or make them feel even worse if you imply they are fat too!
So just where do you start?
Tip 1: Have a short talk

Often by making a big issue out of something it really gets people defensive, and kids especially like to have brief conversations. They are already sensitive about their size so you don't need to remind them about that! Think about just one thing you can talk about, like having breakfast. If your child doesn't have any breakfast have some fruit and a piece of toast waiting for them when they are ready to leave the house in the morning. Say something like this - 'I know you have got that maths test at school today and you really want to do well. I've heard that having breakfast really helps you concentrate. Take it with you if you like.' Give them a hug and wish them luck as you put the toast and fruit into their hand as they leave! Then after school ask them how they did in their test. The next morning ask them what they would like on their toast this morning?(child weight loss)
Have several breakfast choices like:
• a milk drink,
• some fruit salad,
• toast with their favourite spread
• a sandwich
There are some great breakfast products in the supermarket now like 'Up'ngo' and 'Weetbix' -the drink. If you know your child doesn't have breakfast because they don't have time in the morning, buy several of these products and give one to them to take to have on the way to school or just when they get hungry. If they have something to eat or drink with them they are less likely to buy unhealthy foods.(child weight loss)
Tip 2: Focus on right-here-right-now

Kids are very much focused in the moment therefore don't relate well to things too far in the future. So don't try to sit your child down to have a serious talk about their overweight issue and how damaging it is to their health (something that might happen to them 5 or 10 years from now!)
• Focus on a choice they can make today - such as a snack for school between 2 types of fresh fruit - 'Would you like an apple or some grapes in your lunch box today?' (child weight loss)
• You may have heard or read about soft drinks and how much sugar and caffeine they contain - all very unhealthy and a huge contributor to weight gain! So make a stand and refuse to buy them any more - have healthy options in the fridge - water and fruit juice. When your child asks where the soft drinks are you say - 'I heard they are really bad for us so have stopped buying them. There's juice and water for you to drink.'(Child weight loss)
Tip 3: Take the lead from your child
• Pick up on comments your child makes or just make some casual comments to introduce the idea of change.
• Keep it casual and always positive. When they are open and receptive to talking about the issue then you talk about it.
• Listen to what your child's saying and give positive comments and ideas.

• If they ask for your advice then give it, don't assume they are asking you for help!
• If they just want you to listen then just listen.
See Also: 


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